ML in Life Sciences

Interesting Data

  • Patient Finder (or Rare Disease Patient Finder) using Claims Databases

  • Treatment Pathways & Patient Journey for Health Outcomes

  • Finding Physician Trends for Commercial Market Research

  • Physician Matching( there is MDM solution for this)

  • Market Mix Modeling (or Promotion Response Modeling)

common practice within Pharmaceutical companies to apply promotion response modeling to find the optimal sequence of mix multi-channel marketing (direct marketing, advertising, etc) and other activities such as detail (P1, P2) and call frequency.
  • Identification of diseases

  • Improved medical diagnosis

  • Personalized treatment

Behavioral modification or personalized treatment is a more effective method of treatment which is a great analysis area and is closely related to better disease assessment. Usually, it is based on individual health data that is paired with predictive analytics. In coming years, the use of microdevices and biosensors will increase eventually. In order to provide the best treatment facility, mobile apps with more refined health measurements and remote displaying capabilities will be offered
  • Drug efficiency detection

  • Epidemic outbreak prevention

  • Smart electronic health records